Our Story

About Us

Nicola Cox Consultancy have been proudly supporting Health and Social Care providers for 15 years. Our team has a combined experience of over 30 years. Our Experts help the industry to remain compliant, allowing each business to run smoothly and eliminate the stress of domiciliary care.

Our team consists of Registered Managers, Deputy Managers, RGN Nurses, Care Coordinators and Medically Trained Experts. Whether you are a small Home-care company or have multiple branches across the UK, we are here to help!

You Work Tirelessly, So Do We!

We have created a one-stop shop for your Home-care needs, because we understand how difficult it is to run a high-quality healthcare service.

The services that we offer have been put together by our team of experts. This ensures you receive the best possible support and gives you absolute confidence in the effectiveness of your business.

Our support includes: Mock CQC Inspections for Adult Social Care, Policies and Procedures that are designed around you, Tender Support to help you win that vital contract, Care Coordinating Support using clever planning to increase capacity and reduce travel costs.

CQC Support

Whether your current rating is outstanding or inadequate, we have the experience to guide you through maintaining or improving it.


Our team can guide you through the hard work it takes to gain an Outstanding CQC rating, we are up for the challenge, are you?

We will hold a mock CQC inspection and guide you through any improvements that need to be made, whilst preparing you for the real inspection.

Our advisors will work with your team to ensure a clear understanding of the Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOEs) is in place across the company, solidifying their grasp on the requirements of CQC.

The 5 CQC KLOEs are; Is it safe? Is it effective? Is it caring? Is it responsive? Is it well-led?

Naturally, our team is at hand to support you through any troublesome areas and provide advice on how to improve them, ready for the main event.

We aim to support you and pinpoint the areas that your business excels at and the areas your business needs support to improve.

What is a CQC Mock Inspection?

Think of it like revision for a school exam!

We will liaise with you to ensure you have everything ready for the real thing.

A CQC mock inspection gives you the time and breathing space to learn what's not currently working in your care setting.

It is vital that your staff are open and transparent; was a mistake made? What did you do about it? We will ensure that you have everything they need to inspect your business.

We are able to recognise areas that need improving and are able to fix them before CQC Inspect. Helping you to remain in control.

Let's Get Ahead!


The duration of your Mock Inspection depends on the size of the company and will need an initial consultation prior to the visit.

What's Next?

Once our experts have inspected your service, you will be provided with a full report, along with an action plan to improve in any necessary areas.


Don't leave it too late, call one of our experts today!

Be Confident

Be ready, be confident. You've got this!


Why are they so important?

They provide best practices, knowledge and understanding, but most importantly they protect the people you care for.

- Policies and Procedures also ensure you are on the right side of the law.

- They must be reviewed by management on a regular basis and kept up to date.

- Your policies and procedures must comply with current legislation, CQC and show best practices in the area you cover.

You may have already had to deal with some policies and procedures as they are critical when registering a new business with CQC - if not implemented correctly your business may even be denied registration entirely.

Setting up a new care business is challenging and requires a lot of time and effort, let us help!

Nicola Cox Consultancy have experts in writing Policies and Procedures and will take the challenge out of it for you, giving you time to focus on other things!

We will discuss with you EXACTLY what you need.

There are HUNDREDs of Policies and Procedures needed for home care, we can provide advice on exactly what your business needs to comply with current legislation.

Tender Support

Do you need support to apply for a local council framework? Do you have time?

Local council framework contracts will be the bread and butter of your business. You will become recognised across the area and enjoy a flow of packages of care coming through the door.

Let Us Win This For You Too!

Our experts have tendered for contracts and won!

We can either guide you through what you need to do or we can do it for you! There is no minimum level of support.

With over 10 years of experience in writing tenders, we know how scary it is. We need to work with a single point of contact who knows your business well.

We will gain information via telephone, email, or Microsoft Teams to ensure we act quickly.



How we can help!

We believe in clever coordination; it provides continuity for your Service Users and Staff.

Our care coordinators have been rotering for 20 years. 

Lets talk about what they'll do!

What we will do!

- Condense your runs

- Create capacity

- Provide Continuity

- Your staff will be happier

- Reduce travel time

- Increase your profit margins

The Next Steps!

As harsh as this sounds, we will pull your rotas apart and put them back together. 

We will map each client so we can see where everyone is, your rotas will be planned based on the location of your clients. This will reduce the travel costs of your staff. 

By considering the rotas, it creates the capacity to take on more clients. 

All we need is a spreadsheet with a full client postcode and their full care package. We would then need to look at your staff availability. 

We will be brutally honest with you if we feel you need more staff. 

Whether your business operates 40 hours a week or 168 hours a week, we can plan and default your rotas so you would only need to cover sickness and annual leave. Giving you time to focus on other vital parts of your business. 

Contact Us


Nicola Cox Consultancy

01202 906999


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